Datapoints for ru88 -> he4 + mo84

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 1.039751e-190
0.15 2.051174e-137
0.2 9.127955e-109
0.3 1.102153e-77
0.4 1.361739e-60
0.5 1.604849e-49
0.6 1.191703e-41
0.7 1.041147e-35
0.8 4.943809e-31
0.9 3.091656e-27
1 4.417470e-24
1.5 8.456998e-14
2 4.842945e-08
2.5 2.510171e-04
3 9.883239e-02
3.5 8.009729e+00
4 2.286938e+02
4.5 3.163879e+03
5 2.597037e+04
6 6.036307e+05
7 5.643311e+06
8 3.059003e+07
9 1.194146e+08
10 3.850834e+08
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference