Datapoints for p + c12 -> n13

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 2.629521e-05
0.15 9.623727e-04
0.2 9.651306e-03
0.3 2.712232e-01
0.4 3.681828e+00
0.5 2.199523e+01
0.6 7.455177e+01
0.7 1.776227e+02
0.8 3.371552e+02
0.9 5.486374e+02
1 8.005405e+02
1.5 2.187432e+03
2 3.165209e+03
2.5 3.745700e+03
3 4.059676e+03
3.5 4.182446e+03
4 4.185155e+03
4.5 4.119326e+03
5 4.017116e+03
6 3.773131e+03
7 3.530993e+03
8 3.315937e+03
9 3.133869e+03
10 2.983810e+03
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference
0.01 1.53574E-19 1.50384562491E-19 2.0768 %
0.03 2.27986E-11 2.2296075055E-11 2.2042 %
0.1 2.58029E-5 2.629520654E-5 1.908 %
0.3 0.277324 0.271223226653 2.1999 %
1 799.841 800.540492512 0.0875 %
3 4067.05 4059.67574301 0.1813 %
10 2950.75 2983.81021788 1.1204 %