Datapoints for n + mo109 -> he4 + zr106

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 1.135722e-275
0.15 3.734866e-185
0.2 1.786501e-137
0.3 2.092517e-89
0.4 4.013997e-66
0.5 8.250963e-53
0.6 2.411165e-44
0.7 1.578571e-38
0.8 2.773646e-34
0.9 4.981874e-31
1 1.978191e-28
1.5 3.363511e-20
2 3.221496e-15
2.5 1.442450e-11
3 9.878009e-09
3.5 1.693851e-06
4 9.740923e-05
4.5 2.330620e-03
5 2.769035e-02
6 8.630022e-01
7 8.104297e+00
8 5.093024e+01
9 4.057623e+02
10 6.870881e+03
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference