Datapoints for p + sm151 -> n + eu151

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 2.556019e-47
0.15 1.190190e-35
0.2 2.133969e-29
0.3 2.001317e-22
0.4 2.265172e-18
0.5 1.366046e-15
0.6 1.654027e-13
0.7 7.350349e-12
0.8 1.652794e-10
0.9 2.274023e-09
1 2.161267e-08
1.5 5.779317e-05
2 7.604670e-03
2.5 2.214993e-01
3 2.636694e+00
3.5 1.743321e+01
4 7.615600e+01
4.5 2.445561e+02
5 6.189490e+02
6 2.315864e+03
7 5.077245e+03
8 7.450350e+03
9 7.923991e+03
10 6.425813e+03
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference