Datapoints for rf280 -> n + rf279

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 3.028416e-244
0.15 9.981126e-159
0.2 6.835993e-116
0.3 6.056057e-73
0.4 2.178664e-51
0.5 2.089430e-38
0.6 1.011768e-29
0.7 1.693529e-23
0.8 8.130294e-19
0.9 3.633017e-15
1 3.065363e-12
1.5 1.946400e-03
2 4.685482e+01
2.5 1.766231e+04
3 7.946891e+05
3.5 1.030313e+07
4 6.015915e+07
4.5 2.034501e+08
5 4.644753e+08
6 1.071707e+09
7 1.189230e+09
8 8.116483e+08
9 3.924910e+08
10 1.468430e+08
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference