Datapoints for tc82 -> he4 + nb78

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 4.334657e-228
0.15 1.301903e-158
0.2 3.718553e-120
0.3 3.665824e-79
0.4 5.826246e-58
0.5 3.343045e-45
0.6 9.040804e-37
0.7 8.033758e-31
0.8 2.054551e-26
0.9 5.102265e-23
1 2.551603e-20
1.5 3.614623e-12
2 8.667959e-08
2.5 7.782931e-05
3 1.302144e-02
3.5 7.636674e-01
4 2.132070e+01
4.5 3.376368e+02
5 3.401394e+03
6 1.216326e+05
7 1.576322e+06
8 1.037284e+07
9 4.488230e+07
10 1.570407e+08
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference