Datapoints for he4 + mo120 -> n + ru123

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 4.576168e-218
0.15 2.400738e-148
0.2 2.411815e-110
0.3 3.016901e-71
0.4 3.955471e-52
0.5 3.181198e-41
0.6 2.388941e-34
0.7 1.110363e-29
0.8 2.547065e-26
0.9 8.867358e-24
1 8.965394e-22
1.5 1.489336e-15
2 8.564084e-12
2.5 5.684511e-09
3 1.015712e-06
3.5 6.703965e-05
4 1.960042e-03
4.5 2.916896e-02
5 2.492187e-01
6 5.264743e+00
7 3.944463e+01
8 1.965755e+02
9 1.095836e+03
10 1.050198e+04
View Graph

Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference