Datapoints for p + pd114 -> he4 + rh111

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Calculate Rate at a
Specific Temperature

T9: GK
Results: 0 cm3 mol-1 s-1

Data Points for
Standard Temperatures

Temperature Value
0.1 5.029852e-124
0.15 6.175573e-82
0.2 2.449741e-60
0.3 8.923170e-40
0.4 1.065549e-30
0.5 6.091145e-26
0.6 4.078144e-23
0.7 3.006365e-21
0.8 6.853475e-20
0.9 8.098320e-19
1 6.519722e-18
1.5 2.308129e-14
2 1.972870e-11
2.5 6.326882e-09
3 7.547171e-07
3.5 3.519095e-05
4 7.137167e-04
4.5 7.191730e-03
5 4.138657e-02
6 4.349702e-01
7 2.185396e+00
8 1.173758e+01
9 1.296086e+02
10 4.998550e+03
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Comparison with Literature Sources

T9 Literature Calculated Difference