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Chap Reaction Type Label Modified Last Change Ver Comments
4 p + hg209 -> tl210 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg209 -> pb213 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg210 -> hg211 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg210 -> tl211 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg210 -> pb214 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg211 -> hg212 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg211 -> tl212 theory rath 2016-02-23 15:01:44 Import 3
4 he4 + hg211 -> pb215 theory rath 2016-02-23 14:40:51 Import 3
4 n + hg212 -> hg213 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg212 -> tl213 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg212 -> pb216 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg213 -> hg214 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg213 -> tl214 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg213 -> pb217 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg214 -> hg215 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg214 -> tl215 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg214 -> pb218 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg215 -> hg216 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg215 -> tl216 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg215 -> pb219 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg216 -> hg217 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg216 -> tl217 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg216 -> pb220 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg217 -> hg218 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg217 -> tl218 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg217 -> pb221 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg218 -> hg219 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg218 -> tl219 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg218 -> pb222 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg219 -> hg220 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg219 -> tl220 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg219 -> pb223 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg220 -> hg221 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg220 -> tl221 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg220 -> pb224 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg221 -> hg222 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg221 -> tl222 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg221 -> pb225 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg222 -> hg223 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg222 -> tl223 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg222 -> pb226 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg223 -> hg224 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg223 -> tl224 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg223 -> pb227 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg224 -> hg225 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg224 -> tl225 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg224 -> pb228 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 n + hg225 -> hg226 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 p + hg225 -> tl226 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
4 he4 + hg225 -> pb229 theory rath 2010-06-11 15:14:13 script 1
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